Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lord Bless Charlie Mops....

...the man who invented beer, beer beer.
I can't believe it is St. Patrick's Day. With the blink of an eye it will be summer and this bootcamp thing better get me in shape. Well, I should say I better get me in shape because, well, the results are only as good as the person working out.

Anyway, just wanted to pop on today to say hello and Happy St. Paddy's Day! Have a green beer (or other drink) for me today - I would but I've been informed that I must clean for the visitor we have this weekend. Fortunately, there isn't much to clean....and I've been doing a little something every day this week so it's not all last minute. I think tonight it's just clean off countertops (we do this every night anyway, but I'll do more than just a quick spray of lysol, wipe down this time) and re-vaccuum.

For some strange reason Man thinks it is super weird and disgusting to put the (clean) sheets on the guest bed and hang towels in the guest room because unless you wait until the person is there they won't know the stuff is clean - I mean - how could they if they don't see you pull it out of the cabinet just for them?!?! Ugh, that is so bizarre to me I couldn't even figure out where to put the period and just did a giant run-on sentence. It's just one more difference between how we were raised. I spent Tuesday laundring all necessary items, and yesterday set out to get the guest room ready. It was like I bombed the place when he found out what I was doing. But, since the visitor is related to him, I just stopped, folded everything and put it on the mattress cover or on the bathroom counter. Somehow, that made sense, because they'd know it was clean if it wasn't hanging up already.

Am I alone in thinking that doesn't make a lot of sense? Was I the one raised oddly (I've discovered this is often the case)?

Before I go an Irish Blessing for you all (well, technically it's Celtic. That's Celtic pronounced properly and not like the Boston basketball team. While you're answering the above questions can someone answer why they feel the need to say Sell-Tix not Kell-Tix?)

May the blessing of light be on you—light without and light within.May the blessed sunlight shine on youand warm your hearttill it glows like a great peat fire.

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