Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Might as well face it I'm addicted to... Well, actually that too (but really who doesn't enjoy giving and receiving love?), but what I'm really writing about here is my current addiction. You see, I have a sort of addictive personality. The problem (or benefit depending on the addiction) is that this addictive personality also happens to have ADD. Or maybe I just get too addicted and burn myself out. Either way, I'm totally in the on phase with my calorie tracker app. Holy moly is it fun to see what I've consumed that day, and how what I am (or am not) doing physically totally means I can eat more (or less) and still get smaller. If you can't remember, getting smaller is my goal - Bridesmaid Bootcamp is still in full effect. If you have a smart phone and don't have one of these apps (there are 4593476545o954659674586 of them available it seems) you should definitely check it out. So fun in that "it's only fun if you're a data oriented person with OCD who really likes to have processes and formulas for everything" kind of way. Oh, and just for fun I found this app because, while watching HowardTV (yes, Howard Stern) Sarah Silverman was discussing her Lose It app and a show producer mentioned losing 75lbs just because he was tracking. He even ran extra miles on the weekend because he knew he'd be drinking more beer. Awesome!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lord Bless Charlie Mops....

...the man who invented beer, beer beer.
I can't believe it is St. Patrick's Day. With the blink of an eye it will be summer and this bootcamp thing better get me in shape. Well, I should say I better get me in shape because, well, the results are only as good as the person working out.

Anyway, just wanted to pop on today to say hello and Happy St. Paddy's Day! Have a green beer (or other drink) for me today - I would but I've been informed that I must clean for the visitor we have this weekend. Fortunately, there isn't much to clean....and I've been doing a little something every day this week so it's not all last minute. I think tonight it's just clean off countertops (we do this every night anyway, but I'll do more than just a quick spray of lysol, wipe down this time) and re-vaccuum.

For some strange reason Man thinks it is super weird and disgusting to put the (clean) sheets on the guest bed and hang towels in the guest room because unless you wait until the person is there they won't know the stuff is clean - I mean - how could they if they don't see you pull it out of the cabinet just for them?!?! Ugh, that is so bizarre to me I couldn't even figure out where to put the period and just did a giant run-on sentence. It's just one more difference between how we were raised. I spent Tuesday laundring all necessary items, and yesterday set out to get the guest room ready. It was like I bombed the place when he found out what I was doing. But, since the visitor is related to him, I just stopped, folded everything and put it on the mattress cover or on the bathroom counter. Somehow, that made sense, because they'd know it was clean if it wasn't hanging up already.

Am I alone in thinking that doesn't make a lot of sense? Was I the one raised oddly (I've discovered this is often the case)?

Before I go an Irish Blessing for you all (well, technically it's Celtic. That's Celtic pronounced properly and not like the Boston basketball team. While you're answering the above questions can someone answer why they feel the need to say Sell-Tix not Kell-Tix?)

May the blessing of light be on you—light without and light within.May the blessed sunlight shine on youand warm your hearttill it glows like a great peat fire.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Work, work it girrrl...

I discovered this amazing blogsite (or as the trainer, Jenn, says - a blog that ate wheaties) a few days ago, and just this week started their "Bikini Body Bootcamp (which is awesome and free)." Only, for me, it's the "Bridesmaid Body Bootcamp." See, most people are motivated by the start of swimsuit season. That's not entirely important to me, but standing up in front as my sister gets married? Well, that's one of the most important things in the world to me, and quite frankly, I'm vain. I need motivation to get rid of a few excess lbs, and having a bunch of people glance over at me when they realize they've spent far too long staring at the bride and groom is motivation enough. I feel the need to point out that Sister is unaware of said bootcamp and in no way has encouraged it. She's probably the least bridezilla bride ever. No, really.

So, anyway, this first week is a light week - kind of a get to know you and get prepared type thing. Started out with "The Gauntlet." Um, yeah. I emerged from the workout room of our place (aka the guest room w/a fan and open window) in what can only be described as pain. Kind of like a walking version of the slow clap, only more painful. And longer.

Today I checked out the video early in the morning, and thought to myself "this doesn't seem too bad." If any of you have ever done Tabata Training and/or Cross-Fit. Feel free to laugh at that thought. I'd laugh at myself right now, but I'm already sore. It was probably the most difficult 20 minute workout I've done. But most importantly, I did it and didn't quit (though I may have cursed the timer on my phone a few times as being inept - there is no way 4 minutes is possibly that long).

I can't wait until the next workout, and am really looking forward to next week when I get to Zumba/Yoga on Saturday. As for this Saturday, I'm running "the stairs" (you know the one set of stairs in your town that people seem to workout on all the time) - feel free to join me. Here, there or anywhere. It could be fun.